Visiting hours and arrangements are subject to change. 

Please contact by phone Monday to Friday between 9am and 4pm for the current hours and arrangements.

Quality Care • Dignity • Quality of life


Cooking Demonstrations
Activity Days
Residents enjoyed Halloween based word games, a quiz and we conversed about Halloween superstitions and traditions. Residents got into the festive spi...
We have also had some cooking demos and tastings throughout the past few months, such as bacon and cheese potato fritters, guacamole on Mexican Indepe...
Residents are always encouraged to be part of our activity days, where we celebrate special occasions and festivals.  We recently hosted Oktoberf...
Captain Cat
Family Fun Day
Captain Cat came into Cat Haven as a stray in 2015. His affectionate nature made him stand out straight away as a candidate for the Companion Cat Prog...
Family Fun Day, which is usually held in February each year, was unfortunately cancelled due to COVID in 2020. We are hoping to hold it later in the ...